Report: January 13

We’re coming in hot for the new year!

Tasks that we’re putting heavy emphasis into include removing rock, conducting maintenance on already planted trees, and keeping our logistics flowing smoothly by preparing for all the soil and mulch deliveries that we are expecting.

We have been gaining traction with local businesses and have even flagged Dairy Queen for some tree plantings in their yard!

Morale is great from our team and we’re so excited to be with communities during this planting process. Louisville Grows joined us in preparing some Southern Parkway and Peachtree residents homes for plantings recently. Somehow we managed to finish all of this before the great freeze that you all may have seen if you looked outside!

Up next, we have coordination with the Olmstead Academy administrators and sampling operations and classes by both Carl Ray Nursery and our staff here at GS2!


Report: February 1


Report: December 29